Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Treatment

Put a stop to the devastation of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle on O’ahu.


The coconut rhinoceros beetle (CRB), first detected on O'ahu in December of 2013, devastate Hawaii’s iconic coconut trees. CRB feed on emerging palm fronds and bore into the heart of the tree, leading ultimately to the death of the palm. Vernon has injected numerous trees across O’ahu’s North, West and East sides, with infested trees making a significant recovery, helping in the eradication of the beetle. This is the best way to get rid of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetles.

How It Works

CRB treatments can be used to eradicate the beetle from infected palms but also as a preventative for trees that are subject to infestation. KGS recommends treating trees as a preventative in areas of known infestation, even if the palm hasn’t shown signs of infestation yet. Control treatments for each palm last for one year.

  1. KGS inspects the infected tree(s) and provides a quote for the project.

  2. Once initial proposal is accepted by both parties, Vernon will inject the trees with serum which is toxic to the CRB but harmless to the tree.

  3. The injected serum works by spreading into the palm’s system. When the CRB eats the treated fronds, they will die.

  4. Once the initial infestation is handled, KGS will recommend a cadence for re-injecting the tree on a long-term schedule to avoid re-infestation.